New Digs

Over the past year or so, I’ve struggled with posting to my blog. Part of it has been a struggle with time — trying to carve out a few minutes in a day to sit down and write a post. The other part has been a struggle with my laptop’s compatability with Blogspot. Both scenarios were extremely frustrating, especially since I seem to be constantly writing a post in my head.

I finally found a pocket of time to address my blog issues last week, when I was planted on the sofa recovering from gallbladder surgery. I knew of a few people who post with WordPress, so I’m giving it a whirl. Welcome to my new digs, folks!

I toyed with the idea of just starting an entirely new blog, but the Vicodin jammed up my creative thoughts and I couldn’t come up with a new name. Plus I kept falling asleep before I could think of something good, so I’m sticking with SquareOneMom. Besides, it never ceases to amaze me that no matter what’s going on with me or my family, I always find things coming full-circle and I’m right back to square one time and time again. I guess I could go all “Lion King” about it and start singing “The Circle of Life,” but let’s not go there. It’s just a fact that life leads us through situations or “lessons,” and we find ourselves back where we started, only a bit more wise and aware. It’s the same with writing — at least for me, anyway. The beginning of a project, article, manuscript, etc. has me looking at an blank screen, fingers poised above “asdf” and”jkl;”… waiting for the thoughts to come. Then they do, and I pound everything out, edit and pound some more. When I’m finished, it’s a relief and I feel a little accomplished. And then the next project, article or manuscript on queue pops up, and there I am with the blank screen and fingers poised. Again.

Back to square one.

My short-term goal is to get back in the habit of posting regularly and keeping my mojo going. Writing is what I do; what I’m overwhelmingly passionate about, and I can’t ignore it or let everyday life steamroll over it. I am a writer. I seriously DO constantly write in my head — every minute, every hour, every day. Long term? Well, I’d love to have a grand, enthusiastic following of regular readers… who are so crazy about what I write that I simply MUST put my musings into book form and publish them.

For now, I’ll settle for a nice, new user-friendly place to let all the writing I do in my head roam free… and hope that at least a few people enjoy it enough to come back and read more.